Independence Centre


Selamat siang!

Congratulations on making it to the last week of Term 1! The 3/4 Teachers are extremely proud of the way you have worked towards your goals this term. Over the holidays you might like to have a discussion at home about what goals you have for Term 2 in Reading, Writing and Maths. 


In Literacy sessions across the week, students will be finalising their persuasive writing, and practising reading it out using expression to capture their listeners attention. We have looked at lots of different advertisements and analysed how persuasive techniques are used to convince us to buy products. Look out for our original ads on Seesaw to see if you can spot what persuasive techniques we used! 


In Maths sessions, we are beginning to look at shapes, transitions and tessellations. Using the language of flip, slide, turn to describe how shapes are translated on a page. We will be learning to apply our knowledge of fractions to describe half and quarter turns. Look out for our shape portfolios on Seesaw this week as well! Outside of our usual Maths sessions, we have also been doing our Problem Solving lessons each Friday. In these lessons, students practise using problem solving skills to record and explain their thinking. We have had a focus on Growth Mindset, looking at how mistakes help us to learn. Well done to everyone for tackling these challenges with bravery and perseverance!


This week is our final week to look at our Guided Inquiry and Science topics. In Guided Inquiry this term we have looked at Aboriginal Australian Culture and how it was impacted by the European Settlers of the First Fleet. In our portfolios, you will see some information about artefacts from this time and how they were used. In Science, we have looked a lot at different plants and how they germinate through pollination and seed dispersal. You might like to have a discussion about the different types of seed dispersal and what you can notice in your garden or local park over the holidays! 


Wishing you a fantastic final week, 

Mr Dix, Miss Gasowski, Mrs McCoy, Miss Molloy, Mr O’Connor and Miss Richardson :)

Student Voice

My top highlight from Term 1 was...

  • Xavier D - "I.C.E. because I got to build anything out of Lego I wanted."
  • Ava McK - "Math because it's my favourite subject."
  • Yasmine L - "I.C.E. because I like constructing with cardboard."
  • Annie H - "Gala Day because I like rounders and I saw some different schools."


  • School Photos on Tuesday, please ensure FULL school uniform - no sports uniform
  • Thursday School finishes at 2:30pm
  • Return I.C.E money if your child’s activity has a cost. Cash only and must come in a named and labelled envelope/bag
  • Make sure you have downloaded all the apps on the school apps list
  • Message your classroom teacher on Sentral if you have any questions
  • Headphones for iPad
  • Easter Hat Parade on the last day of term

Pupil of the Week

3/4D: Annabelle T -

Well done using your strength of creativity when designing and creating a persuasive advertisement. Keep up the hard work Annabelle!


3/4G: Matthew K -

For using perseverance when asking for feedback to make improvements to your persuasive writing about why chickens are the best animal! You used your plan to construct convincing arguments. Keep up the great work, Matthew!


3/4K: Vicki Y -

For the love of learning and creativity you demonstrated in your persuasive poster to sell wands. Well done on using alliteration and colours to influence your target audience. Keep up the great work Vicki!


3/4M: Abigail K -

For demonstrating perseverance and a love of learning when writing your persuasive piece last week. You used persuasive devices such as rhetorical questions to engage your audience. Amazing Abigail!


3/4O: Shriya D -

For demonstrating perseverance and a love of learning as you worked through the writing process to draft your persuasive piece. You used the planning tools provided and brainstormed together to create your own arguments. Great work Shriya!


3/4R: Raiden T -

For using a love of learning and perseverance when writing your persuasive speech. It was great to see you using persuasive devices to engage and convince your audience. Well done, Raiden!