Education in Faith

Fifth Sunday of Lent - Year B

Gospel Summary


In this week’s Gospel, Jesus uses the image of a vine and its branches to help his listeners understand the interconnection and relationships between God the Father, Jesus, and all followers of Jesus. Jesus is the vine and we, the followers, are the branches that grow from that vine. The way we glorify God is by bearing much fruit and by becoming disciples of Jesus.


The Gospel passage invites us to consider what we are doing in our domestic Church, the Church of our home, to remain connected to the vine (Jesus) and to the vine grower (God the Father). Have any attitudes, behaviours, choices, or practices crept into family life and weakened or broken our connection to Jesus, the vine? If so, what can we do to re-establish or strengthen the connection?


The Gospel and our Family

The goal of our life is to increase our awareness of prayer. Through family prayers, we know that Jesus lives with us always. Prayer is more than a dialogue with God; it is a lifting of our minds and hearts to God so that God might dwell and act within us and through us. The pinnacle of our life of prayer is our communion with Jesus in the Eucharist. Through this sacrament, we receive Jesus himself, and he remains with us. Our life of prayer and our union with Jesus will lead us to fruitful service to others.


Discussion Starters

As a family unit, what do we do to remain strong in our connection to the vine (Jesus) and to the vine grower (God the Father). 

What are some things that happen that could potentially weaken our connection with Jesus, the vine. For example, the Sunday sports schedule taking precedence over attending Sunday Mass. Alternatively, the busy pace of weeknights has crowded out time for family prayer at the end of the day. Make a plan to re-energize your connection to the vine, and work together to accomplish the plan!


Sacramental News 


Eucharist- Parent and Child Workshop Group Sessions – Wednesday 26th May 2021

5 pm Session 7 pm Session


Eucharist Mass Groups – Sunday 20th June 2021
9 am Mass 11 am Mass


Reconciliation for Eucharist Candidates will take place on Wednesday June 9th 1pm at SFS.
Grade 6


Family Workshop: Tuesday August 31st 7 pm at SFS.

Confirmation Reflection Day

Tuesday, October 5th at St. Kevin’s with Rev Brendan Hayes

Sacrament of Confirmation

October, Friday 15th at St. Kevin’s Church at 7 pm



God Bless

Rozeta Ambrose