Library News

Reading, relaxing and enjoying

At this week’s assembly, the Principal Rod Whelan spoke of the positive social and academic outcomes for students from schools who continue to build a culture of reading.  Following this, Teacher Librarian Susan Barrett, supported by the Principal, launched “Read, relax and enjoy!” an invitation to read for seniors and staff.  This McCarthy reading challenge is running parallel to the Premier’s Reading Challenge.


The Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) is for students from K-10.  Year 10 will note that they are included in the PRC for 2021 due to disruption caused by Covid19 last year.  It started on Monday 1 March and finishes on Friday 20 August. (See our previous newsletter for more details).


Having both challenges allows older students and participating staff to complete their own relaxing, reading alongside the juniors.  Come into the library to get involved and to ask for assistance in choosing something for you to borrow and read. We have both books in the library and e-books available via our online SORA library.


Donations from Ms. Clara Wolds

Thank you to teacher and author Ms Clara Wolds for generously donating four of her fiction books.  Clara said that “she has been writing and illustrating her own books since she was able to hold a pen”. These books are written and illustrated by Clara and will offer an exciting and suspenseful experience for all ages. These books are now available to borrow.


Holiday reading and guessing competition

Last month we ran an Easter holiday reading and guessing competition.  Congratulations to Year 11 student Ryan Lowe whose estimate of 275 chocolate treats in the containers was closest to the official count of 286. To participate, students borrowed holiday reading and then recorded their estimate at the library counter. Thank you to all students who participated.

Ms Libby Laird - Teacher Librarian