Inquiry Centre


Selamat Datang and Welcome back to Term Two! 


We had a fun-filled final week of learning in the Inquiry Centre to finish off Term One.

One of our many highlights was the Cyber-safety incursion, where students learnt about how to be safe online and enjoy using the internet and devices safely. Students were introduced to the concept of stopping to ‘Think about how we feel’ when we are using our devices, to ensure we are feeling happy and safe online and offline. Families can explore more about the Cyber Safety Project through the following website:


Students also enjoyed sharing their interesting Easter Hat designs in our classroom Easter-hat parade!  We enjoyed seeing all of the creative designs, with some hats including chocolate eggs glued on, pokemon cards, feathers, footy colours and even star-wars inspired hats!

In Guided Inquiry this term, students will be focusing on the concept of Sustainability. We are looking forward to creating ‘Sustainability Goals’ and exploring our Environmental footprint, Reducing our water wastage, recycling and reusing resources. For more information about the Units covered in Term Two , our ‘Statement of Intent’ can be found through Sentral. As part of this unit, we will be learning more about the environment and sustainability at Healesville Sanctuary. We look forward to this excursion to Healesville Sanctuary in Week Four!


We are so excited to be back for Term Two and wish you all a wonderful week ahead.


Terima Kasih,

1/2 Teachers

Miss Glen, Mrs Gill, Miss Honan, Mr Jenkins, Mrs Seadon, Miss Vo and Miss Wang

Student Voice

What did you like the most about our Cyber-safety incursion?

  • Samreet - "It was all fun!"
  • Jayden - "Watching Sam use minecraft to show us how to be safe online."
  • Molly - "It was a fun and interesting incursion! I liked everything we did, especially the funny videos."


  • Please ensure your child has a named pair of headphones and library bag at school.
  • Remember to check Sentral for information and permissions regarding upcoming incursions and excursions.
  • Remember to continue to read at home and fill in Reading Journals everyday!
  • Please remind students to pack their Orange Folder for safe transport of any important notices and take-home readers.
  • Please remind students to bring their labelled drink bottles to school.
  • Extra tissues boxes are gratefully accepted in the classroom.