Independence Centre


Selamat siang!

Welcome to Term 2! We hope that everyone had a relaxing break, we are so excited to see everyone back at school and are looking forward to a big term ahead! 


In Writing sessions across the week, students will be creating their own news article about something they did on the holidays, and also setting goals for themselves this term. It would be great to discuss different things that they might like to work on at home this week before we start writing. In our newspaper articles, we will be focusing on descriptive and emotive language to convince our readers that they should go to the places we are describing! In Reading, we are looking at non-fiction text features and how we can use them to our advantage when looking for information. If you have any newspapers or magazines at home, these might be good discussion points to see what text features students can find! 

In Maths sessions, we are beginning to look at patterns and transitions. As we began to last term, we will continue using the language of flip, slide, turn to describe how shapes are translated on a page. We will be learning to apply our knowledge of fractions to describe half and quarter turns. We will describe how visual and numerical patterns increase and decrease, with opportunities to create and continue a range of patterns. Look out for our pattern portfolios on Seesaw this week as well! Outside of our usual Maths sessions, we will continue our Problem Solving lessons each Friday. In these lessons, students practise using problem solving skills to record and explain their thinking. We have had a focus on Growth Mindset, looking at how mistakes help us to learn. Well done to everyone for tackling these challenges with bravery and perseverance!


This term, our Guided Inquiry topic is ‘Look at what we have got’, an environmental unit with a focus on preservation and sustainability. This unit will include a trip to Melbourne Museum to look at the plant and animal displays, collecting information for a project at the end of term. 


Our Wellbeing focus is around Seeking Help. This will include discussions about how, when and where we may need to seek help from others. Students will continue to build their emotional literacy and ability to communicate their emotions and read the emotions of others. 


Wishing you a fantastic first week, 

Mr Dix, Miss Gasowski, Mrs McCoy, Miss Molloy, Mr O’Connor and Miss Richardson :)

Student Voice

What are you looking forward to this term?

  • Riley - "Learning more about Maths"
  • Will - "Science and specialists because they’re all really fun!"
  • Saina - "Mother’s Day Stall because my mum is really special and I want to buy her a gift"


  • Please bring iPads charged each day
  • Nightly reading and recording in diaries continues
  • Students can select one or more tasks from the homework choice board each week
  • ICE commences week 2 after our Week 1 ANZAC Day Ceremony
  • Hats are worn until the end of April