Leadership Centre


“How cool was it that Sam used Minecraft to show us the Three P’s of online safety?” was the resounding comment that could be heard when retreating back to our classrooms after our 5/6  Cyber Safety incursion. Students couldn’t believe their luck having one of the most popular discussion topics of the Leadership Centre, Minecraft, actually being used for learning.  

It wasn’t all just Minecraft and technology though, as it was an eventful final week of Term in the Leadership Centre. Students got the chance to participate in a couple of different school incursions and they also had the opportunity to showcase some of their Easter Hat creations. 


Throughout Term 1, all classes in the Leadership Centre have been reading the class novel “Refugee” - a tale of three different youths alongside their families aiming to seek refuge from their home country. The stories of Josef, Isabel and Mahmoud are all set in different countries and from different time periods of the past but all with one thing in common  - the struggles of numerous obstacles in search of refuge. As part of our reading unit, students were given the opportunity to use their creative skills and comprehension skills and create an “Open Minded Portrait” of one of the characters from the text “Refugee”. Students used their imagination to depict the facial features of each of these characters and represent them in their portrait. They were also tasked with writing a short paragraph portraying the story from their characters viewpoint.    


As part of our Guided Inquiry unit “Making Democracy”, the culmination of the terms work ended with an online incursion from a member of staff from Parliament Victoria. Students were engaged in a thorough discussion surrounding the structure of parliament and what roles different people within parliament have. They also learnt about what happens during parliament, how Bills are passed, who the Bills go through and what has to happen for certain rules and regulations to become laws. Students were provided the opportunity to engage back and forth with the staff member and actively participate in providing opinion and reasons for current real world issues. 


During the students Cyber Safety Incursion, Sam and Jaz from the Cyber Safety Project engaged the students with a number of different online platforms. They told stories about the risks and harm that online platforms pose to students if they don’t operate them in a safe manner. Students also learnt of the Three P’s of online security - Public, Private and Personal and showcased the dangers that exist if students give information publicly. We hope students have taken the lessons they learnt in this session home and applied it to the digital technologies they use particularly on their iPads.  

This week, via Sentral, all parents and carers of current students in Year 6 will receive a digital copy of the High School Transition Information Pack 2021-22. This pack provides extensive information outlining the transition process for all children currently attending government Primary Schools. It is important that parents read the High School Transition Information Pack, so that they can make an informed decision about secondary schooling for their child/children in 2022. 

High Schools are currently running a range of school tours and information nights, which provide parents, carers and students with more specific information about how a school operates.

If you have any questions about the High School Transition process please contact Matt O’Hern (Acting Assistant Principal). 


Student Voice

  • Lillian - "The Cyber Safety project incursion was a really fun way to learn about being Safe Online"
  • Dheer - "I loved learning about what members of Parliament within Victorian do when they go to Parliament"
  • Alana - "I really enjoyed designing a picture of Isabel from Refugee because her story and the struggles she went through were so interesting."


  • Headphones - a reminder that all students will need their headphones at school for our Reading sessions as they will be exploring a child-safe story-telling podcast.
  • Camp Forms - a reminder that Camp payments still need to be made. Please check Sentral to see if this is applicable to you.
  • Division Tennis - Good luck to all students participating in Division Tennis tomorrow.