OSHClub News

OSHClub News

Hi everyone,


Welcome back to school for Term 2! I hope you all had a relaxing break. We have had a busy Vacation Care program at OSHClub with excursions, incursions and theme days. It was great to meet so many new families and children who have joined us these holidays. 

Making & Doing at OSHClub


We finished off Term 1 with a mystery bag STEM challenge. Children worked on groups to design and build an enclosure for an egg using a limited number of materials. They then dropped the egg from different heights, including from the top of the web. The winning team finished with their egg still intact!


We spent an entire day cooking during our Adventurous Chef day. We made corn and feta fritters, cheese and Vegemite scrolls, edible cookie dough and pizza. 


Our Earth Heroes theme day was an opportunity to think about the sustainability, waste and recycling. We used scrap paper from our scrap paper tub to make vibrantly coloured recycled paper. 


We learned about the work of firefighters during our HEAT firefighter challenge incursion. Children completed a range of challenges, including cleaning up hazardous materials,  saving people from a fire ravaged building and performing CPR.


During the second week of the holidays we went on an excursion to Latitude. This was an awesome opportunity to test our gross motor and fundamental movement skills and to employ courage as we explored the equipment and took on challenges. 


We engaged in plenty of sensory play with playdough and Super Clay modelling. We had fun making fake cupcakes with real sprinkles to trick our friends and family during the April Fool's Day theme day! 


Plenty of collaboration, cooperation and problem solving happened with mystery bag challenges across several days. Children worked in teams and were given specific materials and an individual design prompt, such as designing a goldfish playground, a mouse trap to protect a scared elephant at the zoo or a contraption to help a spider fly with its bumblebee friend. 


Children had the opportunity to code and control Sphero during our second incursion. They were able to play a game of Sphero tennis, complete a maze challenge and have a go at a free movement challenge.   


Parent Information

Enrolling Your Child

For new enrolments, please go to www.oshclub.com.au. There you will find the 'Register Your Child' tab under the 'Families' tab.  This will take you to the iParent Portal account sign up page. Once signed up, search for Mount Pleasant Road OSHClub under the 'Find a Place' tab and follow the instructions. Once your enrolment is complete it will be forwarded to the service for review. 

Drop off and Pick Up Procedure

As our numbers are beginning to increase, we are now asking parents/guardians to drop off and collect children from outside the OSHClub room. This is to ensure that we can maintain adequate supervision and engagement with children at all times. 


Please continue to call the program phone from the front gate on 0427 144 945 when you arrive to drop off or collect your child/children. 


Please do not enter the OSHClub room and please also ensure you are wearing a mask when entering the school grounds.


As part of our COVID-19 risk management plan, an OSHClub staff member will continue to sign children in and out on the iPad.  

Cancellation of Bookings

IMPORTANT: If your child is booked in for an after school care session and that booking is no longer required, please cancel the booking on the iParent Portal. If you are cancelling on the day, please contact us on the program phone before 3:15pm. 


We are responsible for all children booked into our care. If a child does not arrive to after school care when booked in to attend, we will need to confirm the whereabouts of the child by contacting parents/guardians and emergency contacts. If we cannot successfully do this, it then becomes a missing child incident and will need to be referred to police. 


As you can imagine, this can be very stressful! 


Thanks for your cooperation by notifying us of any after school care absences moving forward.

Sun Smart Policy

All children must wear a sun smart hat during Term 4 when playing outdoors. Please make sure your child has a spare hat packed for when they attend. Spare hats can also be stored at OSHClub.  


Children will be asked to apply sunscreen before going outdoors if the UV rating is above 3. We use Coles brand sunscreen at the service. If your child requires a specific brand of sunscreen, please make sure they have this packed in their bag for OSHClub. 


Online bookings for each session close 24 hours in advance. 

If online bookings have closed and you would like to make or cancel a booking, please SMS the program phone on 0427 144 945.


OSHClub Program Phone: 0427 144 945

Program Coordinator: Jane Evans

Permanent Educator: Haylie Farrall

OSHClub Head Office: 1300 395 735