Principal's Report

Interim Reports & Parent Teacher Interviews
The decision has been taken to hold parent teacher interviews for Term 1 remotely as a large amount of construction work will be taking place in the last week of school. We look forward to meeting face to face for interviews later in the school year. Interim reports will be available on our learning management system SEQTA next week in the lead-up to Parent Teacher Interviews. The interviews will be an important time where teachers will be able to give feedback on the progress of students as they have returned from remote learning in 2020.
I encourage all parents to ensure their children attend the online interviews with them so that they can be involved in the process of reflecting on their learning and identifying the areas for improvement for Term 2. Parent Teacher Interviews will take place on Wednesday 31 March and Thursday 1 April to complete the end of Term 1.
Year 12 Retreat
Our Year 12 students enjoyed the opportunity to step away from school for three days when they attended our retreat programs at Shoreham and Yellingbo last week. Conducted by the Lasallian Youth Ministry Team and members of our teaching staff, students were given time to reflect on the key moments and events that have shaped their lives to date and share a little of their hopes and aspirations for the future. Following on from the lockdowns experienced last year our young people really enjoyed the chance to stop in a very bust school year and just enjoy each other’s company. I wish to thank our Director of Faith & Mission – Mr Tim Swan, our Lasallian Youth Ministry Team, including our own Youth Minster Jan Holewa, Camp Organisers Ms Judy Bishop and Ms Ash Fraraccio and all the other staff who worked superbly with our students to make this a memorable part of their final year of school.
Harmony Day
On Thursday 18th of March, St John’s celebrated Harmony Day as a part of the broader state-wide celebration of Cultural Diversity. It was a wonderful day allowing all members of our community to come together to share aspects of their culture, faith and language and celebrate St John’s as a place where we all belong. Highlights this year included a wonderful presentation from Monira Tahery who migrated from Afghanistan in 1999 and a performance from the Ignite Bollywood Dance Company which had everyone up in the aisles. I wish to thank Mr Kees Vanderlaan and his hospitality students who prepared some wonderful cultural foods for sale at lunchtime and our senior student leaders who lead the day’s activities including fundraising over $400 for Caritas, the Catholic International Relief agency.
Staffing News
I inform our community that Aquila House Leader Ms Trish Dounias will be leaving St John’s at the end of term 1. Ms Dounias has taught Physical Education and Health over the last 4 years and we wish her well in the next stage of her career.
I also acknowledge and thank Ms Sandra Griffith for her 10 years’ service as a Learning Support Officer at St John’s. I wish her well in new role at St Peter’s College.
Holy Family Athletics Carnival
We were excited to see the students from Holy Family Primary School holding their annual Athletics Carnival at St John’s last Wednesday. In beautiful conditions the students and their families enjoyed our new facilities, competing in all the track and field events. St Paul Apostle North and St Mary’s will be also holding their athletic carnivals at St John’s in the coming weeks as we continue to build the educational and community partnerships between our schools through a range of programs and facilities that St John’s has to offer in 2021.
SIS Senior Girls Soccer
I congratulate Coach Ms Marina Kintzel and her Senior Girls Soccer Team who have now won all 4 rounds of the SIS soccer competition by defeating St Peters College Clyde Campus 3 goals to nil on Thursday. They now bring home the 2021 Senior Girls SIS Pennant for Soccer which is a wonderful achievement. Our senior boys will also play off for the Senior SIS Boys soccer pennant against St Francis Xavier next Thursday on our new soccer field where they are also undefeated.
VET Sport & Recreation at St Paul Apostle North
As part of the VET Sport and Recreation course, our Year 11 students, under the direction of Staff member Mr Justin Summons, recently conducted a Basketball Clinic for the St Paul Apostle North Primary School students. With a focus on developing skills our students planned and ran several drills before refereeing a match for the enthusiastic students. The session was thoroughly enjoyed by the primary age basketballers and will go towards the semester assessment of our VET Sport and Recreation students.