Chaplain's Corner

Easter Service

We embraced Holy Week and journeyed with Jesus from Palm Sunday to the resurrection. We wish our College community a blessed Easter as we await Jesus' resurrection, never forgetting that Jesus' love is never ending. May the light of his hope, love and care bring peace and joy to all families.


We share our opening prayer:

Heavenly Father
We embrace Your love as we enter Holy Week.
Guide us with Your grace to walk with You in faith.
May humility and love enter my mind and heart as we experience your great sacrifice.
You sent Your son to live as one of us, and to save us.
Help us to not be distracted by surrounding factors and focus on the days ahead.
Show me how to honour and bring glory to Your name, as we journey with Jesus.
Bring us the courage and wisdom to trust in faith, forgiveness and hope, as we anticipate the new life of the resurrection.
May the light of Jesus bring love, hope and life to our families and school community.
In Jesus’ name we pray

Reach Out Community

Our College community came together to celebrate Easter with an Easter egg hunt that was held on 24 March. The children and families had lots of joy hunting for novelty eggs and bubble blowing fun.

Ms Kerrie Neophytou

Director of Community Engagement