House in Focus: 


Mrs Xiomara Biasotti | Giles House Coordinator

Giles Mid-Year Report 

As we reach the midway point of our 2023 academic year, it is a perfect time to reflect on the exciting developments and achievements that have unfolded in Term 1 and Term 2 in Giles. 


Term 1 and 2 Highlights

A standout moment in Term 1 for Giles was the swimming carnival. Amidst the splashes, we saw admirable sportsmanship, fierce competition and a whole lot of fun! The exceptional organisation, remarkable student participation, and unwavering Giles spirit contributed to the carnival's resounding success. The event not only celebrated the accomplishments of individual swimmers but also fostered a sense of unity, sportsmanship, and healthy competition amongst students. Giles house was filled with pride as we triumphantly took the winners' trophy! Well done, Giles!


Giles also enthusiastically participated in the whole school initiative: the Gratitude Jar. This simple yet impactful initiative has been a great success. Giles home rooms embraced the idea by designing a jar and filling it with heartfelt notes expressing gratitude. The jars were placed in a central location in each home room and served as a reminder to notice and acknowledge the good in every day. 


Looking Ahead: Athletics Carnival, Push-up Challenge and Beyond Blue

At the time of writing, we are eagerly awaiting the Athletics Carnival. As a house, we are determined to do our best, cheer on our peers, and embody the ethos of sportsmanship. 


From 1st to 23rd June, students will be fundraising for Push for Better Mental Health, and collectively doing 3,144 push ups to recognise the 3,144 who lost their lives to suicide in 2021. We are proud to report that Giles house has raised $466 so far!


Our House Captains, Sienna Rossi and Moses Rewais, are also enthusiastically working on a fundraising event for Beyond Blue. We are brainstorming ways to raise funds and awareness for this invaluable organisation. Stay tuned!


Mrs Xiomara Biasotti 

Giles House Coordinator