An update from our Stage Coordinators

Stage 4 Report

As we approach the end of the semester, we are delighted to provide you with an update on the activities and progress of our Year 7 and Year 8 students. It has indeed been an exciting and productive semester for them. 


Year 7: 

Semester 1 has marked the initiation of the Open Parachute program for our Year 7 students, a wellbeing program designed to support students in building a solid foundation for their emotional and social wellbeing. Students have been participating enthusiastically, and we look forward to their continued participation in this program in the upcoming semester. 


Our Year 7 students also participated in an Easter Egg Hunt organised by the Year 11 Buddy Leaders. This event was a tremendous success and a nice way to finish off the Buddy Leader Program. There were many joyful faces!

We asked some of our Year 7 students what they have enjoyed about Chev so far…


Ranbir B: 

“My time at Chev has been going great and we get to go to the library in the morning, if we want to.”


Klara K: 

“It has been good to be more independent.”


Ethan D: 

“Everyone is welcoming.”


Evie S: 

“The teachers and students are really nice and welcoming.”


Henry N: 

“I have enjoyed meeting new people.”



Year 8: 

The Year 8 students continue to make us proud as they pursue their academic and extra-curricular activities with enthusiasm. Some of our Year 8 students showed their immense talent during their participation in the school musical. Recently, a group of Year 8 students participated in the Da Vinci Decathlon, an academic competition designed to challenge and stimulate the minds of students. 


The Year 8 Da Vinci Decathlon Team:

  • Rylan B
  • Charlie F 
  • Zeke F
  • Jack G 
  • Isla G 
  • Ruya G 
  • Max H 
  • Yvette K


The team achieved 1st in Art and Poetry, 1st in Mathematics and 2nd in English. 

Our students displayed exceptional teamwork, problem-solving skills, and intellectual prowess across a range of activities. These students also told their peers more about this initiative by presenting at our recent Stage 4 meeting. 


We look forward to another successful semester ahead. Thank you for your support.

Stage 5 Report


Our recent Stage 5 Meeting was led by five Year 10 students: Grace D, Saxon G, Declan H, Charlotte K and Evie D. The students worked as a team to organise the agenda, prepare the visual presentation to support the items and lead with confident student voice.


The students were encouraged by the Stage Coordinators to use the model that has been demonstrated by the current Year 12 College Leaders at assemblies as a base. The Year 10 students did an impressive job in running our first Stage 5 student led meeting!


There were a large number of student success stories and achievements recognised in sport, academics and other extra-curricular events. Our Stage 5 students are definitely working hard both in and out of the classroom. 


Lorelei M (Yr 9) is to be commended on her bravery and initiative in sharing her story and helping to educate others.


Congratulations to all of the students involved and recognised in the Stage 5 Meeting. It was a wonderful display of leadership, initiative, college spirit and what it means to be a part of the Chev Family.



Yr. 9 and 10 Wilderness Studies have had a busy few weeks with Yr. 10 completing their major 5 day hike in the Snowy Mountains, and Yr. 9 completing their Mountain Biking program at Mount Stromlo in Canberra.


Yr. 10 were tested with some extreme weather conditions including wind gusts of up to 125kph and temperatures that felt like -25 degrees at times, which saw us confined to emergency shelters for 36 hours! This saw the group galvanise through card games, jokes, magic, more cards, dice games, more cards, stories, hot chocolates, thawing in front of the fire and doing everything to stay warm, and avoid venturing outside… unless essential. Once the weather improved we had a magical ‘blue bird’ day exploring the higher ground covered in early season snow on Thursday morning. We were treated to some beautiful views to the south from the Rolling Grounds and Granite Peaks. One student exclaimed ‘I reckon if I could paint, that is what I’d paint!’ as he looked south from Dickey Cooper Bogong.


Yr. 9 had an early start to venture south to Mt. Stromlo and some outstanding riding facilities, to complete their Mountain Biking unit of study. It was a cold start to the day, but once riding, and the sun got higher it was an incredible day where students challenged and developed their riding skills. There were some thrills, spills, laughter and tears but all students had a wonderful day under close observation by many mobs of kangaroos that kept close supervision throughout the day. Some tired bodies and sore legs climbed on to the bus back to Chev to arrive home in the late afternoon.


Stage 6 Report  


Year 11

Leadership interviews for 2024 have been progressing steadily over the past week for the nominated students from the Year 11 cohort. It has been encouraging to see how well prepared the applicants have been and how they are approaching the opportunity of potential leadership with genuine thought and commitment. All the nominees are to be commended.

Year 11 are also to attend one of the most important events in their calendar in the coming week: the Year 11 Retreat. The Year 11 Retreat gives students an opportunity to consider more fully the meaning and purpose of their life, the choices they make and the consequences of those choices. It is also a valuable time for the entire year group to be together, forging strong connections that will offer support and friendship as they head into their final journey at Chevalier College – the HSC.


Year 12

On Wednesday this week, Year 12 held a Biggest Morning Tea function for their cohort, to raise much needed funds for the Cancer Council. The students brought along food to share and they all sat together in solidarity. The Hospitality Leaders are to be commended on their efforts in arranging such a successful event.

The Study From Home Program is now a permanent fixture on the Year 12 timetable, for those who have returned their permission notes. On speaking to the students, they acknowledge the flexibility this gives them in their approach to their studies and all believe that the initiative is a resounding success.

The countdown to the HSC Trial Examinations is now well and truly underway, and Year 12 students are encouraged to organise and maintain a study schedule in the coming weeks, heading into the holiday period. We wish them all the best with their preparations and we are always here to offer advice and support when needed.