Acting Principal's News

Journeying Together in Christ 

Dear Families,


The year is certainly flying by quickly. Already we are half way into the year. As we move into Winter, the weather is certainly matching the season. We are currently experiencing lots of bugs and illnesses at the moment across the school. Hopefully in the coming weeks this too will ease.


Reconciliation Week: 

This week is a very important one for our school community and nation as a whole. National Reconciliation Week is a time for us all to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.  This began with National Sorry Day last Friday. Sorry Day acknowledges the times when Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have been unfairly treated in the past. 








On Thursday, 1st June, three senior students represented our school at the Mass for Healing and Justice in Nathalia. As Fire Carriers for our school, this was an opportunity for these students to continue learning how to be a voice for reconciliation in our school community. Thank you to Noah Brown, Sophie Harman and Liam Summers for being our representatives. 


Last Sunday was a significant feast day in our liturgical calendar. Pentecost takes place on the 50th day after Easter Sunday. It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus while they were in Jerusalem. The symbols of a flame, dove or wind are closely associated with Pentecost. May the spirit of God be always present in our lives and community. 

After School Care:

We have recently received notification from Stepping Stones After School Care Program that they will be finishing up at St Luke’s at the end of the term. We are currently looking at engaging with a new provider and will let parents know as soon as possible when arrangements have been made.


Foundation Enrolments 2024:

A reminder that enrolments for Foundation 2024 close at the end of this term. If you wish to enrol a child at St Luke’s in 2024, could you please complete and return an Application for Enrolment in the coming weeks.  Application for Enrolment Forms are available from the office if you were unable to attend the Open Day last month.


Grade 3/4 Camp:

Congratulations to the staff and students on the success of the Grade 3/4 Camp last week. The children were very excited about attending, and from all reports had a great time participating in the different activities with their friends. Some very weary children and adults returned to school on Friday afternoon and I’m sure all slept well that night! A big thank you to Mr. Sait and all the Middle Years teachers for all your preparation to ensure the camp was a great success. Thanks also to Mrs. Allen, Miss Walker, and Mr. Harrison for attending, as well as our fantastic parent helpers, Brooke Opie, Shane Bensch and Sath Saranathan. 


Special Visitors Morning:

Last Monday, 29th May, was a great start to the week with our Special Visitors morning. The cold weather certainly didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of the children in being able to welcome visitors into their classrooms. There certainly was a large crowd and we appreciate grandparents/visitors travelling from other towns and cities to be with us on this day. A highlight of the day for myself was to meet a grandparent who was one of my teachers back in secondary school!!


Junior Years Excursion:

Our Junior Years classes have taken part in an excursion to the Shepparton Botanical Gardens and Victoria Park Lake. The purpose of this was to collect natural materials that will be used for their Inquiry Learning in class. Thank you to Mrs. Moodie and the Junior Years teachers for organising this.



Pupil Free Day:

A reminder that next Friday, 9th June is a pupil free day at St Luke’s. This will be a staff

working day at school.


Important Dates Coming up this Term:

Tuesday 6th June - Community Group Meeting - 7pm.  All Welcome!

Friday 9th June - Pupil Free Day

Monday 12th June: King’s Birthday Public Holiday.

Tuesday 13th June: Advisory Board Meeting.

Friday 16th June - Feast of the Sacred Heart. 

P-2 Liturgy at school. 

3-6 attend combined mass with St Brendan’s at Parish Church.

Tuesday 20th June - 

End of semester reports issued.

Community Group Coffee Catch Up - time TBA.

Friday 23rd June - Last day of Term Two. Sausage Sizzle Day. School finishes at 2:15 pm.

I hope everyone has a good fortnight ahead.


Kind regards.

Tony Mc.


Issue #4 Scholastic Book Club orders have been sent home with the students this week. Don't forget to check your child's backpack. Orders close Friday 9th JUNE. 


All payments are to be made online via Loop. To make payments, 

visit or download the LOOP app. If you require your order as a gift, you can select this option when ordering and it will be held at the office for collection.


If you require assistance with this please let us know so we can help you. Every order earns FREE books and learning resources for our school.