School Culture and Character Development

Dear Parents and Carers,


I wanted to take a moment to share with you some valuable insights on a topic close to my heart: resilience. In a world that often presents obstacles and setbacks, fostering resilience within our students is of paramount importance.


Resilience, in simple terms, is the ability to bounce back from adversity, to persevere in the face of challenges, and to adapt to change. It is a character trait that can significantly impact a student's academic success, personal growth, and overall well-being. When equipped with resilience, our children are better prepared to face the hurdles that life inevitably throws their way.


At our school, we recognize the importance of challenging our students in ways that stretch their limits, cultivating their resilience. One of the valuable resources we offer is our esteemed Wild Ed program. This program serves as a catalyst for teaching resilience and character development. Through immersive, outdoor learning experiences, such as wilderness exploration, camping, and team-building activities, our students have the opportunity to develop and strengthen their resilience.


In the Wild Ed program, students are encouraged to step outside their comfort zones, take risks, and embrace the unknown. These challenges provide valuable opportunities for them to learn how to navigate uncertainty, adapt to changing circumstances, and develop the mental fortitude to overcome obstacles. As they face physical challenges, work collaboratively in teams, and solve problems in the great outdoors, their resilience grows exponentially.


Research conducted in Australia highlights the significant impact of resilience-building programs. According to a study by the Australian Outdoor Education Council, 85% of students reported increased confidence and resilience after participating in outdoor programs. Furthermore, research from the University of Queensland revealed that 75% of parents noticed improved resilience and adaptability in their children upon returning from outdoor experiences.


As parents and carers, you play a vital role in fostering resilience within your children. Encourage them to embrace challenges, celebrate their failures as opportunities for growth, and remind them that setbacks are merely stepping stones on the path to success. By instilling in them a growth mindset and a belief in their own abilities, you empower them to develop resilience that will serve them well throughout their lives.


Our Wild Ed program, along with other resources and initiatives, serves as a valuable tool in teaching and reinforcing resilience. By providing our students with challenging experiences in a supportive environment, we help them develop the resilience necessary to thrive in an ever-changing world.


In conclusion, fostering resilience within our students is not just a noble pursuit; it is an essential component of their holistic development. Our Wild Ed program and other initiatives aim to provide our students with the challenges necessary for their growth. Together, let us continue to support and inspire our children to become resilient individuals who can confidently face any hurdle that comes their way.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful and resilient journey ahead.


Mrs Mary Shelley

Acting Director of Student Culture and Character Development