Junior School

This week we celebrated the Commissioning of our Principal, Mr Steven Coote. We had discussed this with the Junior School students and prepared them for this formal occasion. Our students performed beautifully to open the ceremony, singing in Darug language as one massed choir. I was enormously proud, but not surprised, that the Junior School students then behaved so beautifully. Even our youngest students managed themselves admirably throughout the service.

Staff are working through the report writing process. Gathering data and looking back on notes made across the semester, talking and comparing work samples with their Stage partners, then thinking carefully to write meaningful comments. It’s a huge task, but an important one. It’s also vital to remember that semester reports are just ONE way that we report to parents – all of the conversations and meetings, work samples seen on Class DOJO or Google Classroom, and even homework are all ways we share the learning of the students. We are continuing to review the way we report to parents so that the best information, in a simple and understandable format, gets to parents. 


Finally, our week is finishing with the Junior School Athletics Carnival. We’ll share results once they are in!


Mrs Rachael Newton

Assistant Principal - Head of Junior School