Kathryn Lamb, IGNITE Coordinator


During recent HASS lessons Year 7 IGNITE students participated in the Peace Machine Project.  After exploring various concepts of peace, they were challenged to create a ‘machine’ that would lead to a more peaceful society.  Students worked collaboratively using the Design Thinking process.  This problem-solving approach required students to understand their users, redefine problems and create innovative solutions. 


The peace machine prototypes were shared at a recent showcase with the feedback gained from visitors used to make further improvements.  A companion bear designed to give emotional support to young children, a portable greenhouse to help people living in adverse climates to grow their own food, an air filter that converts carbon dioxide into oxygen for places affected by deforestation, an LGBT+ helpline, an app for addressing rubbish at our school, and an app to support teachers’ wellbeing and organisation were just some of the innovative ‘peace machines’ designed.


Congratulations to all Year 7 IGNITE students and to their HASS teachers Ellen Glass and Nick Jackaman.