From the Principal 

Week 6 marks the mid-point of the Term and I hope that our students are enjoying their Semester 2 subjects and extra-curricular activities. 


Our Year 8s have completed their Adventure Camp and we are now getting ready for 40 of our Year 10 students to head off to the Northern Territory for their outback experience. Thanks to the staff that are attending and giving up time with their own families to supervise, while enjoying the experience with our students. 


Our Year 12s ran a fantastic School Formal last fortnight. Congratulations to our Year 12 Formal Committee, School Captains and the students that supported them with the organisation. Our students are to be commended on their maturity and inclusivity in ensuring that everyone had a great evening. I hope that they enjoyed their evening and are now ready to focus on the remainder of their final year at school. The Senior Subschool has started a ‘countdown’ as students enter the last 30 days of school remaining before they undertake their exams.  


We recently sent out an invite for all of our families to complete the 2023 Opinion Survey via a Compass Newsfeed. I again ask you to please take the time to complete the survey as your opinions are important to us and will contribute to the future planning and organisation of our school. Our recent School Review highlighted that for a school as large as ours, the participation is quite low. The online survey is expected to only take 20 minutes to complete. 


Parent Teacher Student Conversations are later this term with bookings opening soon. It's always a great opportunity to meet and speak with teachers to hear about how students are progressing. As always, we strongly encourage students to be part of these conversations to contribute and reflect on their learning to date and be part of setting goals moving forward. Please read the article in this edition with detailed information on the format in which they will run and how to book. 


Our Friends of Northcote Committee are working hard on our upcoming Comedy Night. It is great to see the Comedians that they have lined up for us and I look forward to having a great laugh with everyone on the night. Tickets are now available and always sell fast as it's a such a fun community night.


I hope to see you at our Comedy Night or at any of our events this Term. 


Chris Jones 
