Monday 5 December - Wednesday 7 December

Step into the Workplace

Many thanks to all of those involved in making the inaugural Micro-credentials Week for Year 9 students a success.


Students were involved in a variety of sessions to “Step into the Workplace” including Resume Writing, Job Searching, Email Etiquette and Team Building, Job attire/presentation, Job interview training, Basic First and CPR, Barista and Hospitality training, Virtual Work Experience, Safe@Work tests and, for the female students, participation in the Empowered Women In Trades event.

Basic First & CPR
Basic First & CPR

Empowered Women in Trades

Female students participated in a session with Empowered Women In Trades. They are an organisation whose goal is to enable women to thrive in viable industry employment pathways and connect them to like-minded businesses and people.


The session started with a “soft skills” session relating to the important employability skills such as communication and teamwork. For this activity, students were tasked with building a tower with spaghetti, masking tape and a marshmallow. The winning height was 48 cm!!


The second session, students were split into two groups. The first group used augmented reality to test their skills on a welding machine. They were given immediate feedback on their results, in terms of the width of the weld, how fast or slow they were and their accuracy.


The other group worked on their plumbing skills by cutting and piecing together pipe to create a lasting souvenir for the school.  All the while, practicing their soft skills of communication and teamwork that had been discussed earlier in the morning.


We would like to thank John from Reece, Mel and Vanessa from EWIT and Vanessa and Bianca from Box Hill Institute. However, most importantly, the fantastic team who signed up, participated in the event and encouraged each other. Empowered women indeed!

Introductory Hospitality and Barista Course

The Year 9 students (and several staff) were excited to make coffees and hot chocolates for each other throughout the day.

Kristy Mays