From the Principal 



We have had a great start to our year, and I am sure that students are settling into the school or to their new year level. A big thanks to our Sub-schools and our Year Level Captains for all of their planning and their welcome assemblies that started off the year levels’ first days. Students heard from their Sub-school Leaders about the opportunities that they will have in the year ahead, and the supports that are available to them. 


Our Year 7s spent their first day, where possible, with their Connect teacher. The Connect teacher is the first point of contact for families, and who all students meet with twice every week for a check-in and to participate in our Connect Curriculum. Throughout the day, students learnt more about the organisation of the school and went on tour of the school to help them learn where all of their classrooms will be. The afternoon session gave the students opportunities to ask any questions that they have and the Connect teachers were able to put any concerns to rest. 


In our ‘Back to School’ edition of our newsletter that was sent out last fortnight, we outlined the continuation of our school’s implementation of COVIDsafe measures as outlined by the DET. We thank our families for supporting the measures, such as isolating when required to minimise the spread of the new variant that we are seeing in our community. 


After such a successful return of all of our regular events last year, we are continuing planning for a full year of events for our students. This year we have some great international experiences for our students to participate in. Our International Sister Schools have both organised opportunities for travel this year. Our Italian Exchange program is already underway with the Italian students starting the year with us. Ms. Laura Bruno, the Principal of Francesco Vivona, and Ms Giovanna Aruta, an Assistant Principal, have travelled out with the students and visited the school to look at the programs that we run. We look forward to a valuable partnership between our schools. 

We have welcomed a number of new staff to our teaching team and they will be introduced to you over the next few issues. 


Our Year 7 and 12 families will shortly receive communication from Sub schools about our welcome events for their respective year levels, you can find out the dates and more about them in this issue. 


I look forward to meeting you at one of our welcome events soon. 


Chris Jones
