Student Services : Careers 

University open days

It’s been a busy month for many of our senior students who have taken time on their weekends to attend University Open Days. Open Days are a terrific opportunity to explore tertiary campuses, find out more about courses and chat about content and graduate outcomes.  Researching and understanding all the options is the best way to make a well informed decision. 


Year 12 VTAC applications

Term 3 is a very important time for students to be attending their Connect sessions and working on transition planning and applications for 2024.


A reminder that Year 12 students are asked to complete the process of applying for courses, SEAS and scholarships by the end of this term– September 15 2023.  Once students have submitted their preferences they can still change them during change of preference periods.  Students who are having difficulty with this process, or would like to discuss their future plans, should make an appointment as soon as possible.  


Year 9 Morrisby Program - Monday 11 September

Students should arrive at school on time, as the assessment will take the entire 2 sessions in the morning. Students must have a fully charged laptop to undertake the assessment. 


Students can only sit the profiling assessment once, so they need to be prepared to give it their best on the day so that the information is useful to them in the future.


Parents are reminded to complete the Morrisby permission via Compass to allow their student to participate in this fully funded program.