Maths Help Multiplication Bee

Farewelling Year 12s with a mega multiplication competition


We had some fun at the last maths help for our Year 12 cohort last week, with a multiplication bee devised by teacher Reuben Malcolm. Students raced to perform big multiplications, 3 digit numbers and above, with the winner earning the right to face off against Mr Malcolm in a bonus round. 


Congratulations to Khoi from Year 11 who won the Toblerone, after successfully doing a 6 digit by 6 digit multiplication in the final, and good luck to all our senior students in your upcoming Maths exams. 


Maths help is still running on Thursdays after school, upstairs in B Block, until the end of the term.  All welcome.

~Mr Macindoe


Khoi takes out the final against Alex
Khoi vs Mr Malcolm in the bonus round
Khoi takes out the final against Alex
Khoi vs Mr Malcolm in the bonus round